
Wednesday 10 April 2019


for kiwi kaha we played games in the gym i played the yes no game where the teacher asked me questions and could not respond yes or no and the teacher wet my face with  water gun and ms Hastie wet my face i really wanted to wet the teachers face the game i enjoyed the game where you had to pick up some macaroni pieces with macaroni i thought was very entertaining Hans played that game there was a game were you had to move some scrunched up paper across the floor but you could only blow it the first game was where 2 people had to move a balloon  1 person walked forwards the other walked backwards and the balloon was in the middle of them the people in our class all most won but they dropped the balloon and had to start all over again that really annoyed the people in our class Tamani did the mini cone flip Jayden also had to put a cookie on his forehead and had to try and eat but he kept dropping the cookie they also played music while they were playing the games Jesse played a game were   you had to keep 3 balloons in the air at the same time he was the first person to get points for  7/8 TZ he came third place wh game third bh game second and first place was mt

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